
Understand your problem is more important than providing a quick fix

撰文者:BEYOND FITNESS 管理員 2023/10/07

In the fast-paced world we live in, particularly since the pandemic, many are recognizing exercise and fitness as crucial for overall health. They hope to achieve this through weight loss, muscle gain, improved fitness, and better body shape. However, the training process often presents various difficulties, setbacks, and even injuries.

These problems stem partly from a lack of necessary professional knowledge and partly from focusing solely on surface-level solutions, neglecting the more intricate factors behind them. This shortsighted approach can lead to recurring issues, even creating new ones while attempting to solve others.

Now, let's discuss the most common problems people encounter in exercise and the corresponding solutions:

Issue 1: Mistaken the Meaning of Body Weight and Health Figures


Simplifying the complexity of the body by evaluating ourselves solely based on numbers such as weight or weightlifting results can lead to frustration and failure in achieving our goals. In general, people are concerned about the health and appearance of their bodies, which involve many factors. However, most people only evaluate themselves based on limited numbers. Ideal body composition typically includes a lower body fat percentage, appropriate muscle mass, and healthy muscle condition, looking balanced and healthy. However, most people only use weight to evaluate their body condition.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to belittle the scale. It's a convenient tool, but many people only use weight to evaluate themselves. Once their weight increases, they may feel anxious and frustrated. However, although the scale has a quantitative function, it often causes people to ignore many factors other than weight. After all, about 70% of human weight is water. This means that your weight will slightly increase as long as you drink more water, but this will not affect your body composition. Similarly, weight changes due to your menstrual cycle or work stress do not mean that you are getting fat or unhealthy.

"The human body is a complex organic system", and many factors can affect fluid retention. When weight increases, some of it is normal, while others need to be addressed. For example, when you exercise regularly, your muscle condition improves, your vascular density increases, and your circulation improves. This may lead to weight gain, but it will not affect your body composition. On the contrary, it will make you stronger and more toned, which is what we often refer to as "healthy body composition".

Issue 2: Rigid Weight Training Patterns

Rigid weight training patterns not only hinder progress but also increase the risk of compensation, leading to imbalances in the body's physiological systems and causing new injuries. Generally speaking, most people's impression of the gym is stuck in the outdated images of traditional gym advertising, with models holding dumbbells or displaying muscles. This leads people to believe that focusing solely on weight training is the only way to achieve their fitness goals, and that regular training guarantees improved body shape. However, this is simply not true.


Don't get me wrong here either! I'm not belittling weight training. It has many benefits, including increasing muscle strength, stimulating skeletal muscle growth, boosting bone density, and promoting the release of essential hormones. However, to understand the body's systems, remember that it has three types of muscle: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. These three systems support each other and have distinct functions. Yet, most people only understand the skeletal muscle system, while the other two may be neglected, overcompensated, or overworked

To maintain optimal health, we need to consider all three muscle systems. Therefore, when we rigidly adhere to traditional weight training, we often neglect the other two systems, which can lead to compensations or imbalances. For example, over-strengthening skeletal muscle while neglecting cardiac muscle can contribute to heart problems. Similarly, neglecting the smooth muscle system can lead to digestive issues.

Issue 3: Failed Stress Management

While good stress can be uplifting, bad stress can land you in the hospital.. When stressed, we often overlook the benefits of exercise. Many people walk into a gym wanting better health and a better life. However, when our "personal lifestyle" is imbalanced, it can lead to excessive fatigue, mood swings, exercise injuries and chronic pain.

Nutrition, stress, sleep, and dietary habits are closely related to your body condition. In addition to potentially affecting fitness results, if we don't consider our lifestyle in our training, it's easy to cause imbalance and disharmony between exercise and life. This is also why many people have difficulty finding their way to exercise, and even more difficulty establishing their own exercise habits.

To solve these problems, we need to have a deeper understanding of the interrelationships between body systems. This involves knowledge of physiology, psychology, and sports science. Here are three corresponding solutions that can help you achieve a deeper understanding and improvement of exercise:

  • Versatile Parameter EvaluationsDo you want to truly understand yourself and monitor your exercise performance? Don't just focus on weight! We advocate for versatile parameter assessment, so you can gain a comprehensive picture of your health and fitness. Beyond weight, body circumference, body fat percentage, metabolic rate, muscle mass, strength, and cardiopulmonary endurance tests all provide valuable insights. These numbers can help you better understand your body's composition and function, allowing you to train more effectively for your goals. Ultimately, analyzing these numbers objectively unlocks your path to success by deepening your understanding of yourself and your health.
  • Specific Muscle System TrainingDo you want to achieve your goals more effectively in exercise?

    The key lies in understanding the different muscle systems and the appropriate training method. Skeletal muscle, for example, has various training methods targeting different goals, including muscular endurance, muscle hypertrophy, muscle strength, and explosive power. Each method offers unique benefits, and you should choose the appropriate one and adjust your overall training based on your specific goals. Training your cardiac muscle is equally important, involving aerobic training, lactate training, and phosphocreatine training, each with distinct effects on your heart and body. Finally, don't neglect your smooth muscle system. You can strengthen it through breathing techniques and massage training. In short, understanding the different types of muscle training empowers you to design a smarter and more effective exercise plan.
  • Stress Assessment and Lifestyle AnalysisFatigue and stress usually originate from three main body systems: the muscular system, the cardiovascular system, and the nervous system. When we are tired, it's not just due to muscle fatigue; the work of the heart and the regulation of the nervous system also play key roles. To better understand where your current fatigue originates, let's look at it in a simpler way. If you feel sore all over, especially after sitting for a long time, then this fatigue may be caused by the muscular system. If you feel your muscles are strong when exercising, but your heart rate is too fast and you feel tired, this might suggest that your cardiovascular system needs more training. And if your fatigue comes from lack of sleep or work stress, this mainly involves problems with the nervous system.

Although these three systems interact with each other, the source of fatigue may differ. Therefore, in training, we can add targeted measures based on your fatigue type to improve your performance and manage fatigue. Exercise is not only physical training, but also a tool for stress regulation. It can increase or decrease stress levels, and understanding this concept can help you improve your quality of life. However, for effective stress management, you need a deeper understanding of your stress sources, fatigue status, and lifestyle.

Make sure to monitor your stress and fatigue status, and use appropriate rest and recovery measures, such as good nutrition, adequate sleep, massage, meditation, and breathing exercises, to maintain the balance of your body.


It's crucial for people to adopt a cautious and thoughtful approach to exercise training. This will help them avoid injury, burnout, and plateaus in their routines, and make more tangible and lasting progress over time. This is why understanding your problems is more crucial than simply trying to solve them.

Healthy exercise and fitness are a comprehensive process that requires professional knowledge and comprehensive planning. This ensures the body is not only strong on the surface, but also healthy in its internal systems.

Achieving the best state of the body and sustainable fitness goals requires a long-term approach that considers all factors and your individual exercise needs. This comprehensive mindset helps you avoid negative cycles and build on progress over time. Consulting a professional fitness trainer or health professional can be invaluable in ensuring your exercise plan delivers expected results and your body receives proper care during exercise.

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